It's been a while, hasn't it? There's a lot to tell.

Went to the Yes rally (it's not about Optus) Been a while since I updated, hasn't it? There's actually a lot to say, I just haven't known how to say it. I'm not sure if I've said this here already, but my parents and I are no longer speaking. It's been a long time coming. I don't know if it's going to be a permanent thing or just a temporary thing, but... with the way things are, there's no place for them in my life. This is about more than just my transition, although they've made their position perfectly clear on that. It started with my new therapist (gods bless that man!) He told me that a lot of what I was saying about my parents, specifically my mother, was giving him red flags about abuse. In a previous post, when talking about things that were happening between us, I urged the reader to stay neutral. I'm now backtracking that. I have been apologising for the way my parents have treated me for as long as I can remember...